Raechel Bosch talked about the prison system and lack of adequate resources provided to those in the system. She brought up the various educational issues in the prison system but she was speaking as an outsider looking in. Jerry Leverette, however, was able to speak from first person experience. Having been in the prison system, he was able to tell the class about his personal experience and the things he say to be wrong in the system. The prison system is a system that is supposed to help inmates rehabilitate themselves and fix the habits or behaviors that got them there in the first place. In the United States, however, the system punishes more than anything else and provides little to no rehabilitation for the inmates. Prison Education Programs, particularly the one NYU offers, exists to help inmates gain valuable skills to be able to integrate back into the world once they get out of prison.
One very interesting thing that Jerry brought up was the fact that even though different educational technologies (such as tablets) seemed to be made available to them it was still largely unavailable to many inmates. There were certain prices to be paid if one wanted to access a tablet but the price was unproportionally high in comparison to the money that they were making, making it nearly impossible to access a tablet on a regular basis. I feel that in doing this the prison system can see that they do have such technologies available but in reality do they really?