If you recall form by 4th blog post, my chosen tech is Tesla’s electric autonomous car. My group partners, Jenny and Jennifer chose the technologies of bionic limbs and Instagram. Although these technologies may seem vastly different, they have way more similarities than we thought. In one way or another, all these technologies have a social, and perhaps even political, aspects to them. Instagram is the one that could potentially affect the most people in various different aspects, it can fall under almost any category since in today’s day and age, social media seems to run the world. Bionic limbs are also becoming more and more common as the technology used to design and build them is way more advanced than it was just 10 years ago.
The Tesla cars fall under more of a social and perhaps political category in society.
If someone has a Tesla, typically you would expect this person to be of a high economic standing.
Out of the three technologies discussed, Instagram is the one that includes the most people. The more I look into Tesla, the more I realize that there are some diversity issues to be considered. Personally I don’t know anyone that can comfortably own a Tesla. I have only seen a Tesla in my neighborhood probably one time in my life and I remember everyone staring and automatically assuming that the owner was clearly not from the area and was probably lost. Now, although these cars are said to be more eco friendly, it has been proven that that statement is not completely true, as explained in this YouTube video. Yes, an electric vehicle can be more eco-friendly for the most obvious reason being that they don’t burn fossil fuels but according to Adam (from Adam Ruins Everything in the YouTube video) the process of developing the vehicles is more harmful than the good that using electric cars could do. But why would they tell us that? If electric car companies told their audience how they are creating electric vehicles, they would lose a huge portion of their consumer base. They target people of a higher socioeconomic class that would want to be more eco-friendly and neglect.