Computers are an integral part of how we communicate and get around today, especially in places like America. I personally could not even begin to imagine where I would be or how far I would be able to get without this technology. I am an electrical engineering student and when my laptop got damaged in my sophomore year and I went a month without my laptop, I found it extremely difficult to get 90% of my work done. In the past class session, my partner and I got the opportunity to identify and discuss our salient identities. My partner identified his identities to be age and occupation. These identities tie very closely to my chosen tech: computers. Although computers have been around for quite some time now, they weren’t always as accessible to all groups. If I just pay attention to the generation of my parents, many of them may not know how to use computers very well and may not even know the full capabilities they have with computers. I am not saying that all people in our parents’ generation are behind when it comes to this tech, but those that haven’t had a dire necessity for it, such as an occupation, haven’t learned to rely on it as heavily as others do. This ties in to the next salient identity that my partner identified with: occupation. Someone’s occupation can very much dictate how they may live their life. An article titled “The Impact of Computers” breaks down how computers have impacted society and how we live today. Yes, at one point humans were able to do without, but once they started being available and we saw just how useful and efficient they can be, we became very reliant on them. They have become major parts of certain occupations, one of which the article highlights being medicine.
If you would like to read more about this article please refer to the following link: “The Impact of Computers”